$19.95 / month for 12 months with 1 month free trial
Try it out risk-free, without charge for 30 days!
Join Dr. Nancy, Special Guest Experts and the My Ageless Brain™ Private Facebook Community to keep your mind sharp and up-to date on the latest findings for a healthy brain.
You’ll get access to lively, webinars on cutting edge topics, as well as the opportunity to share and learn from fellow community members throughout the month. Dr. Nancy herself will log into the Community weekly to share the latest breakthroughs and answer your questions.*
And remember, your investment is risk-free! Your first month is entirely free. After 30 days, your credit card will be charged for the upcoming month. You are free to cancel at any time. Once you cancel, no further fees will be charged to your account. (Note: We regret we are unable to issue partial refunds for time you may have left in a month you have already paid for.)
*We look forward to dialoguing with you! Please note that personal health questions are best addressed in a more comprehensive format. Please contact healthoffice@drlonsdorf.com to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Nancy.